Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gasp! New Post!

Ok, so I haven't really kept up with my blogging as well as I'd hoped.  I was imagining that I'd have a wonderfully witty and/or incredibly meaningful blog post on a semi-weekly (or at least a semi-regularly) basis.  Here it is, almost a month since my last post and I'm just now getting around to posting about how I haven't been posting much--at all--lately.  I have good excuses, what with being the dad of a 1-year old and all.  "I just haven't had time," or "I've just been so tired that I haven't been able to blah blah blah..." They're excuses all the same.  The point is that I should have been posting.  Not that I'm getting paid for it, and not that I have slavering masses beating down the door, demanding new posts.  Enough with ranting about myself and the issues I have with committing to my blog.

There really hasn't been a whole lot going on lately.  The boy is not quite 13 months old now, and the shoes with squeakers in them that we bought (the tale of the search for said shoes is something of an epic--check the wife's blog out for the full scoop) have done nothing in the way of encouraging him to walk.  They drive the dog crazy though--she loves to eat squeaky toys but can't seem to put it all together that it's the boy's feet that are doing the squeaking.  We bring out the shoes and as soon as the boy has them on and gets to cruising around the living room, the dog gets antsy and wanders all over the place looking for the squeakily offending dog toy that must be inevitably (and surprisingly efficiently) disemboweled.

The boy is starting to take after his old man and act like a little class clown.  Just the other day, while he was crawling around the living room under my supervision (wifey was in the kitchen), we were having our normal, mostly one-sided conversation (me talking to him, asking questions, etc. and him responding with raspberries or baby-babble) and he just stopped, looked up at me, squinted his eyes and cheesed at me.  I hadn't thought I'd said anything funny or done anything particularly stupid enough to earn a funny look, so I had to assume that he did it to try to make me laugh (worked like a charm, too...).

He also has his evil genius laugh down pat.  Randomly and without any real reason (that I've discovered), we'll hear a very deliberate "ha ha ha," coming from wherever he's wandered off to.  Usually, it's the pantry where he spends his time 'helping' his mom by rearranging the foodstuffs he can reach--baby food on the middle shelf, canned goods down below and a toy truck next to the tuna.  That's not so sinister sounding, but perhaps to a 1-year old, it's downright devious.

I'll try to keep you, my loyal readers, better and more regularly updated on my little super-villain is developing in the future.

Yes, all 7 of you.


  1. I know exactly the look that you're talking about, Trey! It looks so funny. And it does seem like he does it to make us laugh. I haven't heard his evil laugh though,...something to look forward to.
