Thursday, December 9, 2010

Starting Out

It seems like everyone is into blogging now.  My wife is blogging, my father-in-law is (was) blogging, most of the people I know from church are blogging--heck, I bet my not-quite-10-month-old son would blog if we'd let him pound and/or drool on the keyboard as much as he seems to want to.  So, in the spirit of jumping on the bandwagon, I've decided that I'll start my own little blog project.  I have a few goals in mind when I label this as a project:  I've been wanting to write more, so now I have an excuse to, I really want to see just how long I can keep up with it, and I found a website that will send me free books to post reviews on my personal blog.

I'm not saying--nor do I personally believe--that this will be the most interesting little spot in the blogosphere, but maybe I'll be able to use it to develop myself and my writing.  Oh, and for all of you who actually read it (anybody?  hello?), you might just get to learn a little more about what goes on in this ruggedly good looking head of mine.

Also, like I said, I'd like to see how long I can keep up with a blog--I've been terrible at it in the past.  With 2 LiveJournal (anybody remember that?) accounts, a MySpace page that hasn't been updated in about 4 years (I don't even remember the password to log in), and a curiously quiet Facebook account, it's not looking so good.

Wish me luck or pray for my eternal soul; mostly I ask that you enjoy!


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to read moree about what's going on in that ruggedly good-looking head of yours!

  2. Hi Trey, just wanted to let you know someone besides your wife did read this.

  3. You crack me up! Let us know how it goes with the free books. That sounds awesome.
